Justin Bieber became IT Company Investor?

Scotter Braun, Bieber manager, has previously been discussed several times Bieber investment plan for a startup. Similarly, as quoted by Mashable, Tuesday (20/09/2011).
"Troy (Lady Gaga manager) and I will combine the strengths of Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber," said Braun.
"I am well aware of the strength of both of them on Facebook, Twitter and Facebook are very valuable to the launch platform. One of the great things about technology, they can work without dependence. But this platform can be launched by Gaga or Justin," he added.
A source also said that Bieber business team is ready to invest in several different startup. Thre.ad. a photo sharing service startup called from New York is one of them, But the Thre.ad. Denied this news.
"But if Bieber really want to invest, then I will not reject it," writes Mimi Nguyen, founder Thre.ad. on his Twitter account.
Bieber is not the only big celebrities that were involved in the startup world. Ashton Kutcher has long played in the world, by supporting and providing funds for several startups Foursquare, Path, Flipboard, Airbnb and Skype. While, Lady Gaga is also an investor in the startup Turntable.fm and Bre.ad.